Ministries of Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish

Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus is a vibrant parish with many opportunities for our members to contribute their time and talents to the greater glory of God, by serving the Church and the community. The following is a complete list of lay ministries actively at work in our parish.

Liturgy & Worship

All liturgical ministers exist for the service of the Body of Christ, the People of God, the assembly gathered in God's name. In Christian tradition, Liturgy means, "The Participation of the People of God in 'The Work of God.'"

Liturgical functions, especially the Mass, are the heart and soul of a parish. In order for these liturgies to be conducted in the most dignified fashion it is essential to have a core of dedicated lay ministers willing to make a commitment to the altar.

For the liturgy to be celebrated well, and so that the People of God may be led to full, conscious, and active participation, many liturgical ministers are needed. Although serving in any of these ministries should be a source of joy and satisfaction for individual people, these ministries exist for the benefit and service of the Church and not for individual or personal piety, spiritual growth, or status. As such, these ministries are regulated by Church and Canon law. Therefore, the pastor has the final approval of all liturgical ministers before they can begin service at the Mass.


Liturgical Music is an integral part of our worship celebrations. The various musical styles here at Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish present a unique and spiritual element that enables our congregation to lift up their voices in praise. Although the various groups have different styles, different rehearsal times, different commitment levels, and different Mass schedules, they all strive toward a common goal: to lead the congregation in sung prayer and to glorify God through the music they each produce.


Greeters are the first ministers one meets when they arrive at the church for any celebration. Their warm, friendly smile and welcoming handshake set the tone for the worship experience. A pleasant, outgoing personality is important for Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish greeters.


Ushers are present to extend welcome and hospitality to all who enter and leave the church. Ushers assist at each weekend Mass, Holy Day Masses, and other special liturgies as needed. At larger celebrations, the ushers assist with seating members and guests. Ushers also take up the collection and distribute bulletins.


Altar Servers help facilitate our Eucharistic liturgies in a traditional and reverent manner. Serving the people of God while we worship in the church is a way of growing closer to God, and it is a very special privilege. Altar Servers assist the priests at the altar, they carry the cross in both the entrance and exit processionals, at Saturday evening and Sunday Masses; as well as other special liturgies and services that may be requested by the Pastor and they carry the light of Christ as the Gospel is proclaimed, they assist with preparing the altar, lighting the candles and other tasks as assigned. This ministry is open to anyone who has entered the fourth grade and has received the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. We also encourage and welcome older youth as well as adults. All registered parishioners, male and female, are welcome to serve. Training and formation are provided.


Lectors proclaim the Word of God in a clear, persuasive way and with interpretive emphasis so that the assembly may experience and discover anew God's Word. A lector must have a passion for Scripture; a desire to study Scripture; the ability to interpret and understand Scripture; and, sufficient public speaking skills to proclaim the Word of the Lord to the assembly in a manner that conveys the message, therefore making Scripture come alive. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided throughout the year. Lectors are provided with a Lector Handbook to assist in their proclamation and pronunciation.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are trained in the parish and mandated by the Archdiocese of Chicago to assist in the distribution of the Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus, at all Masses. All ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, attire, and the way they handle consecrated bread or wine. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should receive sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. Training and ongoing formation are required.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild volunteers use their artistic talent "behind the scenes" to design and enhance the worship space to create a welcoming, spiritual environment within each liturgical season. No specific skills are required, but talents are discovered and encouraged through our work. All are welcome!

Parish Life

Parish vitality does not just happen. It is the result of effective leadership and competent and confident parishioners. The Christian outreach and social life of Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish Catholic Community is filled with a variety of activities, resources, and organizations that enables parish vitality and Catholic evangelization.

In our Gospels we proclaim a Lord who suffers with the suffering, who grieves with the grieving, who knows our isolation, our pain. When we sit and listen and offer support to someone who has lost a spouse, when we take time to be with someone in the hospital, provide a meal for a family in need, or pray with someone who is feeling low or desperate; that is the moment that we, individually and collectively, compassionately reach out to one another in the name of Christ, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

St. Vincent DePaul Society (SVDP)

SVDP is an international society of lay Catholics.They work within the local parish to help those suffering and in need. The Society serves everyone, regardless of race, creed or status. Members work in teams making home visits to those in need. Their help may include assisting individuals with payment of rent, late electrical or water bills, prescriptions, and food. If you are in need of any help, please call (773) 298-1403 and leave a detailed message. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact

Ministers of Care

Trained men and women are needed to journey with parishioners who are sick, homebound or hospitalized during times of serious illness or other significant life events. They bring Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass. Ministers are trained, certified, and mandated by the Archdiocese of Chicago, Office for Divine Worship. These ministers bring Holy Communion to the sick of our parish, the homebound, and those in hospitals and nursing homes, etc. This pastoral ministry cares for and administers to the emotional and spiritual needs of the sick, aging, and dying parishioners.

Bereavement Ministry

Under the authority of our Pastor, Ministers of Consolation serve families of the parish who have lost a loved one to death. Ministers are trained by the Archdiocese of Chicago, Catholic Cemeteries to successfully implement our mission to provide comfort, care, and support and express sympathy and compassion to grieving families in a way that is fully sensitive to their mourning and responsive to their needs.

Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry

The mission of Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry is to transform the response to domestic violence. We recognize the need to raise awareness and to educate our community members about domestic violence, including emotional, economic, sexual, and physical abuse and the devastating effects on our families. We cannot offer counseling because we are not trained as domestic violence counselors but we are committed to connecting those in need with available and valuable community resources.

Other Ministries

  • Kilian Kreative Committee
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Knights of Peter Claver
  • Ladies of Peter Claver
  • Women's Club
  • Holy Name Society
  • Men's Club
  • Senior Cut Ups
  • Food Pantry

If you feel you are being called to serve the church through your talents and abilities, we would love to speak with you about any of these ministries in which you are interested. Please feel free to call the parish office at (773) 779-5151.

Our Ministries

Liturgy & Worship



Altar Guild

Parish Life

Care & Bereavement

Learn About Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish

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Map Click for Directions to
Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish
Meeting In
St. Margaret Of Scotland Church
9830 S. Vincennes Avenue
Chicago, IL 60643

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Our Most Recent Masses

Notes From Our Visitors

“I'm 24 years old and just started coming back to Mass. I wasn't sure if I'd like gospel, I grew up going to traditional Masses, I absolutely LOVED it!"
Jake M.
“My church closed and I'm looking for something more traditional - it was great to find it at your 8:30 Mass!"
Rose P.
“My kids enjoy a lot of music and with the later starting time for Mass at Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish, our whole family can be together to worship."
Joyce C.
“I have never felt as welcomed at a parish as I do at Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus."
Nancy F.
“I love the diversity! So many styles of worship. There is something for everyone there."
Alejandra G.
“The volunteers from Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish showed us so much compassion. When we needed help, they were there. Thank you!"
James & Nancy S.
“I love the gospel choir! Modern yet keeping with our Catholic traditions. Wonderful!"
Lakeisha L.

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